He could have become a Christian, but he became a criminal. He could have lived a missionary, he decided to be millionaire. Early in life, youwould have thought a John was in the making, but he ended up being a Judas. We thought he would be another Paul, but he became another Pilate. If he had given his life to Christ on that day of decision, the world would have rejoiced for another Wesley, a proclaimer of holiness,but years after his day of opportunity, he was seen as an aimless vagabond carrying on his face regret of indecision. Only one life, but with various possibilities for fruitfulness or worthlessness. “And as IT IS APPOINTED unto men once to die but after this the judgement” Hebrews 9:27. We must face that fact. We must think straight and think right on this - “IT IS APPOINTED” How solemn - so unspeakably solemn! But if we die, is there not a chance to come back and live again? Can we not live a vicious life now and then come back to earth to live ...