

THE INCARNATION OF CHRIST All praise to thee, Eternal Lord, Clothed in a garb of flesh and blood; Choosing a manger for a throne, While worlds of worlds are thine alone. Martin Luther  The Incarnation in Christianity is the belief that the second person of the Trinity, also known as God the Son or the Logos (Word), "became flesh" by being conceived in the womb of Mary, also known as the Theotokos (God-bearer). Consequently, the divine nature of the Son was united, but not mixed, with human nature in one divine Person, Jesus Christ, who is both "truly God and truly man".   It is the longing of the mortal man to see the immortal God. It is the natural heart pangs of the visible man to see the invisible God. This desire is one of the heart yearnings of man that resulted in corrupted man condescending to less than animalistic nature of which the living man bows than to dead though visible idols. Job expressed this in Job 23: 8, 9: “Behold, I go forward, but He ...


   He could have become a Christian, but he became a criminal. He could have lived a missionary, he decided to be millionaire. Early in life, youwould have thought a John was in the making, but he ended up being a Judas. We thought he would be another Paul, but he became another Pilate. If he had given his life to Christ on that day of decision, the world would have rejoiced for another Wesley, a proclaimer of holiness,but years after his day of opportunity, he was seen as an aimless vagabond carrying on his face regret of indecision. Only one life, but with various possibilities for fruitfulness or worthlessness.   “And as IT IS APPOINTED unto men once to die but after this the judgement” Hebrews 9:27. We must face that fact. We must think straight and think right on this - “IT IS APPOINTED” How solemn - so unspeakably solemn! But if we die, is there not a chance to come back and live again? Can we not live a vicious life now and then come back to earth to live ...


PREVAILING THROUGH THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD Hebrews 5: 12 – 14    God’s word is the source, foundation and basis of prevailing supernatural power in our lives, families, and ministries. It is food and nourishment: food for our spirit, soul and body, and nourishment for our mind, thoughts and strength. It supplies health, joy and happiness, and brings assurance and faith through which we possess all we need. Through this word, we have holiness without which no man shall see the Lord, and it grants us wisdom, power for living and strength for our journey towards heaven. God’s word is food – milk and meat, which we must take regularly to be strong, powerful and unconquerable. We must: Eat it well, take it in. Chew it to benefit from all the nutrients; crush it, analyze it, apply it, break it down and compare it with your life. Masticate, that is, ponder on it, meditate on it and make it personal Swallow it, let it sink it into your heart, brain, mind, and consciousness, b...


TRINITY OF THE GODHEAD TEXT: Matthew 3:16,17; 28:19; John 10:30; 15:26; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 1 Peter 1:2   The Godhead and its Trinity is one of the deep mysteries of the Kingdom of God revealed to us in Scripture. It is one of the greatest tenets of the Christian faith that is better believed than mentally understood because it is anchored on the nature and person of God. The subject has, through the ages, confounded the wise and prudent but conferred on the faithful, trusting believer, the blessings of simplicity of faith.    Through reasoning, man can never attain the Trinitarian conception of the Almighty God, neither can he by research or logical inquiry understand the nature of God. The error many people have fallen into is an obsessive desire to rationalize this teaching.     Some contend that the word ‘Trinity’ is not in the Bible; and this has hindered their acceptance and belief of it. They have forgotten that the word, ‘Bible’ is not in the ...


EVIDENCE OF CHRIST MORAL PERFECTION Character wonderfully balanced No strong points and no weak points No flaws or contradiction Altogether lovely Uniqueness of character  Combination of characteristics isaiah 53:3,heb 1:9 He never asked for pardon from God or from man because He never overstepped His bound He never sought advice from even the wisest men of His days because He is wiser than the wisest He confessed no sin because He committed none john8:46 He never apologized for word or action because He never ‘misfired’ neither did he act or spoke out of ignorance. No word He spoke needed to be modified or withdrawn Completeness of virtue Excellences of both sexes converge in him Inner strength never degenerated into obstinacy He was at no pains to justify ambiguous conducts because He seek not to please men but God only He never asked or permitted prayer for Himself because it is in His name prayers of the saints ascend to heaven ...


Holiness is God's nature. It is the very essence of His being. His holiness sets Him apart from all His creatures, and He calls everyone that professes to be His child to this life of holiness. 1 Peter 1:15-16 says, “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” God demands holiness in every aspect of life, including marriage. This is the prerequisite for enjoying His blessings here on earth and later, in eternity. Before or while married, He expects us to preserve the sanctity of marriage and keep ourselves pure. “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge,” the Holy Scriptures warn (Hebrews 13:4). Ignoring this warning will attract unpleasant consequences.   As a single woman preparing for marriage, it is crucial that you abstain from sexual immorality so you can enjoy God's blessings in your marriage. Don't give your he...


GOD'S PARTNER FOR YOUR LIFE  Anyone considering marriage should understand that it is for mature adults only. Our physical, spiritual, emotional, and social maturity contribute tremendously to marital success. Regretably today, many believe physical maturity is the only criterion for marriage, laying emphasis on age and physique. However God places a high premium on the spiritual life, emotional stability and development including social interaction and relationships.   Prior to marriage, as a Christian woman, there is need to acquire discipline, temperance, industry and selflessnes.You must also be determined to make necessary adjustment in your relationship to withstand challenges and ensure a successful marriage. So you see, marriage is not meant for kids but for adults with all-round maturity.   Be careful not to rush into marriage because of parental pressure or in lieu of parental control. On the other hand, do not choose your spouse based on good looks, a...